In this thought-provoking video, Mauro Biglino delves into the intriguing parallels between the Bible and Homer's epic poems regarding descriptions of flying machines. Biglino explores the concept of celestial chariots, which are depicted in both ancient texts as advanced flying vehicles used by gods. He discusses the detailed descriptions of these chariots, their associations with clouds and horses, and how they relate to the mysterious "ruach" in the Bible. Biglino also examines problematic translations and interpretations that may obscure the true nature of these ancient depictions. Join Mauro as he sheds light on how these texts could be referencing sophisticated technology misunderstood by ancient authors.
For more information about Mauro Biglino and his works, please visit his website and YouTube channel here:
Get Mauro's new book "The Gods of The Bible" Available Here -
Up Next in Presentations & Conferences
Descendants of the Gods - Mauro Biglino presents: Translated and audio dubbed into English, Mauro Biglino - Descendants of the Gods
For more information about Mauro Biglino and his works, please visit his website and YouTube channel here:
Elohim and Theoi - Mauro Biglino presents: Translated and audio dubbed into English, Mauro Biglino - Elohim and Theoi
For more information about Mauro Biglino and his works, please visit his website and YouTube channel here:
Terror and Conditioning - Mauro Biglino
Translated and audio dubbed into English, In this video Mauro Biglino analyzes the concept of Fear/Terror of God also in the light of influences operating in current geopolitics.
For more information about Mauro Biglino and his works, please visit his website and YouT...