
Recommended Videos & Documentaries

  • Ancient Mysteries and Suppressed Technologies: Paul Wallis Q&A Session

    Join Paul Wallis in this captivating Q&A session where he dives deep into ancient mysteries and modern theories. Paul addresses intriguing questions about Zechariah Sitchin's theories on the Anunnaki and the planet Nibiru, shares his thoughts on the suppression of advanced technologies as propose...

  • Q & A with Paul Wallis! Part One - July 2024

    Join Paul Wallis in this engaging Q&A session as he answers thought-provoking questions from subscribers, exploring topics like Jesus' references to Yahweh, Plato's concept of a holographic universe, and theories about ancient extraterrestrials!

  • The Dark Side of the Bible | What They Don't Want You to Know! - Billy Carson

    Discover the shocking truths hidden within the Bible that have been kept from you. In this video, Billy Carson dives deep into controversial verses and historical contexts to reveal the dark secrets of religion and slavery. Explore the potential connections to ancient gods and their influence on ...

  • Paul Wallis & Matthew LaCroix 4th July 2024

    Join Paul Wallis & Matt LaCroix as they delve our true ancient history, ancient civilizations, The Ararat Civilization, The Van Province and much more

  • Gods in the Mountains | The Van Province - Cradle of Civilization? Paul Wallis & Matt LaCroix

    Join us on an incredible journey through the beautiful Van Province in Anatolia, modern-day Turkey, as we uncover the ancient secrets of one of humanity's most historically rich regions. In this video, Paul Wallis, accompanied by fellow researcher Matt LaCroix, explore the sites that classical au...

  • Q & A with Paul Wallis! 04th May 2024

    Thank you all for your questions! Here is Episode One of Paul Wallis Q & A! Reincarnation, blood sacrifices, Miracles of Jesus and many more excellent topics in this revealing question and answer session with Paul Wallis

    Questions answered in this video:

    "Hi Paul, I'd love to know your insig...

  • Judgment Day | Alien Contact 2024 Documentary By Paul Wallis

    This latest Documentary by Paul Wallis explores the Pentagon's recent disclosures about extraterrestrial contact. This documentary highlights testimonies from military and government insiders, examining the implications of public acknowledgment of extraterrestrials. It investigates the secretive ...

  • Paul Wallis & Praveen Mohan Interview (Produced)

    In a captivating dialogue, Paul Wallis, an esteemed author and theologian renowned for his investigations into ancient scriptures and extraterrestrial theories, engages with Praveen Mohan, a leading figure in exploring ancient mysteries and advanced technologies. Their conversation represents a c...

  • Paul Wallis & Praveen Mohan livestream!

    Paul Wallis is joined by Praveen Mohan! Praveen Mohan has built up a channel of 1.88 Million Subscribers for people interested in the off-curriculum knowledge carried by the megalithic societies of ancient India and Asia. He has some great information. It will be a stimulating conversation as Pau...

  • The Nephilim | Gilgamesh and Kandahar Giant - Paul Wallis Documentary 2024

    In this 2024 Documentary Paul Wallis shines a light on the forbidden history of giants within archelogy, ancient text, mythologies and actual encounters.

    The Kandahar Giant
    In 2002, a US Special Operations unit, the Army Green Berets, encountered a giant hominid in the Kandahar mountains of Af...

  • The Ararat Civilization.Matt LaCroix, Paul Wallis Billy Carson & Brien Foerster

    Join Billy Carson, Matthew LaCroix, Paul Wallis and Brien Foerster go on a journey to uncover the secrets of the Lost Ararat Civilization of Turkey, and connect it to nearly every ancient civilization of deep antiquity. From the origin point of the first cross, to the bloodline descendants of the...

  • God vs Satan | Dragons & Serpents In The Bible

    Do the Bible and many ancient narratives around the world tell a story of humanities contact with Ancient Aliens? Why is the serpent of Genesis 3 so often equated with evil, with the Devil or Satan. Nothing in the Genesis story makes that equation. So where does that association come from?

    For m...

  • Why Are They Here? Documentary Paul Wallis

    Are Aliens watching humanity? How Long have they been here and what is it that they want? - New Documentary by Paul Wallis

  • The Maya, Ancient Civilizations & The Ark of The Covenant

    The question of the disappearance of the Maya culture has long fascinated historians and archaeologists. What caused the abandonment of these ancient cities? Why and to where did the Maya people vanish? What is the Ark of the covenant? what is inside it> and what can it do?

  • When we lived with the Elohim - Mauro Biglino

    Translated and audio dubbed into English, In this first (of two) videos Mauro Biglino analyzes both canonical and apocryphal passages from the Old Testament, which show the intensity of the relationship between the Adamites and the Elohim for many centuries. An unusual picture arises that starts...

  • Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino Livestream - 14th December 2023

    In this conversation, Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino will explore topics such as the Garden of Eden story in the Bible, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the serpent and the apple. Revealing fascinating research and changing our understanding our ancient history!

  • Ancient Civilizations Yolngu Labu and The Mimi Spirits

    Written and featuring Paul Wallis. How far back does human memory extend? How far back does the memory of Homo sapiens take us? Do we have a cultural memory of events prior to the most recent planetary cataclysm? Can we remember what life was like before the last Ice Age? And do we have any memor...

  • Asherah and the Sky Armies | Documentary 2023

    Asherah was honoured as an advanced being and is one of the many Elohim or "powerful beings" who's existence is recorded in the pages of the bible. El of Ekron, Akhkech of Egypt, Dagon of the Philistines and Yahweh El Shaddai of the tribes of Israel are all included in what the ancient biblical w...

  • Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino | Ruach - Ep 7

    Could passages in the Bible actually be telling us about technology witnessed in our ancient past? Episode 7 - Ruach. In this episode, Paul Wallis and Mauro Biglino present their research into the original translations and meanings of word “ruach” in the Hebrew Bible.

    Paul's Website & Books: ht...

  • The Prophecy of Hermes | Forced Forgetting

    Prophecy of Hermes | The Anunnaki & Forced Forgetting of the "Sky Beings" - The character Hermes laments the forgetting of a culture, a civilization and all the advanced knowledge and human development that it held.

    In the book of Joshua, we’re told that Joshua, the successor to Moses calls upo...