In this thought-provoking exploration, Paul Wallis delves into the mysterious knowledge of Plato, suggesting that the renowned philosopher may have been more than just a thinker—he could have been a contactee. Plato's stunning descriptions of Earth from space and his references to advanced beings from "islands in the sky" raise intriguing questions about the sources of his insights. Could Plato's wisdom be linked to ancient extraterrestrial contact? Join us as we unravel the clues from his dialogues, connecting Plato's ideas with paleocontact theories, interdimensional beings, and cosmic intelligence.
Up Next in Documentaries
Encounters With SHADOW PEOPLE | Who A...
Join Paul Wallis as he explores the mysterious phenomenon of shadow people, sharing his personal experiences and research. Discover surprising insights into these dark, human-shaped figures and their possible connection to other dimensions...
Tomb of The Giant Gilgamesh | Ancient...
Prepare to have your mind blown! Join renowned scholar Paul Wallis as he uncovers the jaw-dropping secrets hidden within ancient texts, groundbreaking archaeological discoveries, and mysterious artistic depictions.
In this exploration, Paul Wallis dives into the mind-boggling connections betwee...
Gods in the Mountains | The Van Provi...
Join us on an incredible journey through the beautiful Van Province in Anatolia, modern-day Turkey, as we uncover the ancient secrets of one of humanity's most historically rich regions. In this video, Paul Wallis, accompanied by fellow researcher Matt LaCroix, explore the sites that classical au...