

Watch amazing documentaries on ancient aliens, history, consciousness, human origins, the Anunnaki, aliens in the bible, spirituality, UFO documentaries, alien contact and more! Including videos featuring the best selling author and researcher Paul Wallis. Film maker & composer Giovanni Lodigiani, and renowned researcher Mauro Biglino,

  • Robert Kirk & The Secret Commonwealth by Paul Wallis - Documentary 2024

    Join Paul Wallis as he delves into the enigmatic life of Robert Kirk, a 17th-century Scottish minister whose investigations into the paranormal led to the mysterious "Secret Commonwealth" of elves, fauns, and fairies. Discover Kirk's shocking findings about non-human entities, abductions, and anc...

  • Plato: The Alien Contactee? Unearthing Extraterrestrial Connections

    In this thought-provoking exploration, Paul Wallis delves into the mysterious knowledge of Plato, suggesting that the renowned philosopher may have been more than just a thinker—he could have been a contactee. Plato's stunning descriptions of Earth from space and his references to advanced beings...

  • Encounters With SHADOW PEOPLE | Who Are They? - Paul Wallis

    Join Paul Wallis as he explores the mysterious phenomenon of shadow people, sharing his personal experiences and research. Discover surprising insights into these dark, human-shaped figures and their possible connection to other dimensions...

  • Tomb of The Giant Gilgamesh | Ancient Civilizations & Alien Artwork

    Prepare to have your mind blown! Join renowned scholar Paul Wallis as he uncovers the jaw-dropping secrets hidden within ancient texts, groundbreaking archaeological discoveries, and mysterious artistic depictions.

    In this exploration, Paul Wallis dives into the mind-boggling connections betwee...

  • Gods in the Mountains | The Van Province - Cradle of Civilization? Paul Wallis & Matt LaCroix

    Join us on an incredible journey through the beautiful Van Province in Anatolia, modern-day Turkey, as we uncover the ancient secrets of one of humanity's most historically rich regions. In this video, Paul Wallis, accompanied by fellow researcher Matt LaCroix, explore the sites that classical au...

  • Jesus in India Ep 5 - History & Tropes

    How do we weigh the Indian claims about Jesus against the Biblical stories of Jesus? Is the story of Jesus really just a remix of stories of mythical figures such as Horus, Osiris, Romulus and Dionysus? How could Apostle Paul quote the Mahaparinirvanasutra before it was written? And how can we k...

  • Judgment Day | Alien Contact 2024 Documentary By Paul Wallis

    This latest Documentary by Paul Wallis explores the Pentagon's recent disclosures about extraterrestrial contact. This documentary highlights testimonies from military and government insiders, examining the implications of public acknowledgment of extraterrestrials. It investigates the secretive ...

  • The Nephilim | Gilgamesh and Kandahar Giant - Paul Wallis Documentary 2024

    In this 2024 Documentary Paul Wallis shines a light on the forbidden history of giants within archelogy, ancient text, mythologies and actual encounters.

    The Kandahar Giant
    In 2002, a US Special Operations unit, the Army Green Berets, encountered a giant hominid in the Kandahar mountains of Af...

  • Why Are They Here? Documentary Paul Wallis

    Are Aliens watching humanity? How Long have they been here and what is it that they want? - New Documentary by Paul Wallis

  • THE UFO COVERUP | Revelations & Covert Agendas

    Discover the enigmatic world of UFOs and the top-secret military intelligence units tasked with unravelling their mysteries. Join Paul Wallis on this deep dive into the untold story of David Grusch and the covert program analyzing UFO crash retrievals. From the Pentagon's long-hidden admission to...

  • The Book of Enoch Documentary - Paul Wallis

    The origins of the book of Enoch are rooted in the Hebrew tradition. Scholars generally agree that the various parts of the book of Enoch were authored in the 2nd and 3rd centuries BCE. The writing may have encapsulated an oral tradition going even further back in history.
    The book is titled with...

  • God vs Satan | Dragons & Serpents In The Bible

    Do the Bible and many ancient narratives around the world tell a story of humanities contact with Ancient Aliens? Why is the serpent of Genesis 3 so often equated with evil, with the Devil or Satan. Nothing in the Genesis story makes that equation. So where does that association come from?

    For m...

  • Ancient Civilizations Yolngu Labu and The Mimi Spirits

    Written and featuring Paul Wallis. How far back does human memory extend? How far back does the memory of Homo sapiens take us? Do we have a cultural memory of events prior to the most recent planetary cataclysm? Can we remember what life was like before the last Ice Age? And do we have any memor...

  • Asherah and the Sky Armies | Documentary 2023

    Asherah was honoured as an advanced being and is one of the many Elohim or "powerful beings" who's existence is recorded in the pages of the bible. El of Ekron, Akhkech of Egypt, Dagon of the Philistines and Yahweh El Shaddai of the tribes of Israel are all included in what the ancient biblical w...

  • The Maya, Ancient Civilizations & The Ark of The Covenant

    The question of the disappearance of the Maya culture has long fascinated historians and archaeologists. What caused the abandonment of these ancient cities? Why and to where did the Maya people vanish? What is the Ark of the covenant? what is inside it> and what can it do?

  • Interstellar - Alien Science | Space Documentary

    Alien Science: Unlocking Interstellar Mysteries and Human Evolution

    Description: Explore the fascinating world of alien science in this captivating video. Could microbes be encoded with messages from extraterrestrial civilizations? Discover how tiny bacteria could hold the key to an interstellar...

  • The Prophecy of Hermes | Forced Forgetting

    Prophecy of Hermes | The Anunnaki & Forced Forgetting of the "Sky Beings" - The character Hermes laments the forgetting of a culture, a civilization and all the advanced knowledge and human development that it held.

    In the book of Joshua, we’re told that Joshua, the successor to Moses calls upo...

  • Ancient Hybridization Programs - The Yowie

    Ancient narratives of bigfoot. Sasquatch and hairy creatures can be found in places all over the world. In this Video Paul Wallis explores the mystery of the the Australian Yowie. Shocking Encounters with this humanoid have been documented in many ancient cultures. In Australia we hear of encou...

  • Consciousness, Mystics and the Akashic Records

    Can humans unwillingly be Knowing of the Unknown: What is consciousness? In this documentary we look at the mysteries of Consciousness, Secrets of mysticism and The Akashic Record..

  • Conflicts of the Gods | The Sky Council

    Did the Gods come to earth using Ancient Technology? Paul Wallis explores the many possible and plausible mis-translations and misinterpretations of our ancient origins. The plural etymology or the word "Elohim" and how this small alteration changes the whole story!
    Find out more about Paul and ...

  • Star Trek Beyond The Fiction - Documentary

    "Stories that last, last because they are telling us truths about ourselves. And I believe that is the reason that Star Trek is as vivid and alive today as when it first hit our screens more than half a century ago in 1966.

    And the specific truths it tells are to do with our origins as a speci...

  • Alien Abductions & Ancient Knowledge - Paul Wallis

    Ancient tales of abductions can be found in cultures all over the world. The Mami Wata people of West Africa. The Philippine legends of the “Diwatas” The biblical accounts of the “Watchers” and the “Nephilim” just to name a few.

    The Bene Elohim "ones like the powerful ones" come down to planet ...

  • Secret Programs | Magic, Aliens & The Occult

    In this Documentary Paul Wallis explores the mysteries surrounding remote viewing and human consciousness.

    Paul explains how the ability of remote viewing has been suppressed and belittled. Portrayed to the masses as conspiracy, yet it has been used and regarded as credible by higher powers i...

  • Ancient Technology of the Gods

    A documentary by Paul Wallis exploring many possible and plausible mistranslations and misinterpretations of our ancient origins. Are the connections dotted over cultures, beliefs, and religious institutions all a coincidence? What are the implications of these translations? Did the Gods come to...