

Watch amazing documentaries on ancient aliens, history, consciousness, human origins, the Anunnaki, aliens in the bible, spirituality, UFO documentaries, alien contact and more! Including videos featuring the best selling author and researcher Paul Wallis. Film maker & composer Giovanni Lodigiani, and renowned researcher Mauro Biglino,

  • Humanities Ancient Origins | E.t Connections

    Did Ancient Aliens Visit Earth After The Last Global Cataclysm? Could Human Civilization Get Reset Every 5,000 Years? Plato speculated this to be the case. Author and Researcher Paul Walls expands on this concept. Have we had Alien Contact on earth? Did they come to save us from the last great ca...

  • Ancient Aliens & The Sumerian King List

    Exploring the ancient mysteries and connecting subjects surrounding humanities origins. Do ancient cave paintings and works of art contain the secrets to unlocking our mysteries origins as a species?

    Indian Archaeologist J.R Bhagat Believes " ancient people may have seen or imagined beings from...

  • Anunnaki, The Bible & Ancient Sumeria

    This information will change the way you think about the history of humanities origins. What implications does this have for us today?.

    In This Video Paul Wallis documents the links within the Sumerian creation account: The word Annunaki, he explains, means “Those who came from the heavens to Ea...

  • Anunnaki in the Bible | Jesus vs Yahweh

    What If the Elohim Stories of the Bible are not God stories, but records of our ancestors' contact with the Anunnaki. A race of alien beings not from this world.

  • Histories Secrets | Control & Suppression

    This documentary covers some of the latest claims released about UFO sightings to the public, as well as the suppression of information.

    How it is suppressed and how control over information has gone on repeating throughout history. The silencing of public figures over the years such as the Ita...

  • The Lost City Of Atlantis - Documentary

    For more than 2000 years, scholars of antiquity have been puzzling over Plato’s descriptions of the Island Nation of Atlantis. Questions continue to fascinate researchers and explorers to this day:

    Was Atlantis a real place or merely a literary device – a warning against national pride and hubr...

  • Human Evolution | The Anunnaki Intervention

    Since the time of Darwin questions of human evolution have fascinated scientists. When did humans learn to speak, and ask question; think in abstract terms, and perform feats of engineering. When did humans learn to archive and build their collective knowledge.

    It is clear that a gap exists in o...

  • Dark Alliance | The Alien Treaty

    Did president Eisenhower sign a secret treaty with an alien species? Find out more about Paul and his work by visiting his personal website

  • Jesus in India Ep 3 - Resurrection

    Was Jesus Resurrected? What does Joseph of Arimathea have to do with Jesus' possible survival of the crucifixion? Why does Apostle Paul quote from a Buddhist source to attest to the story of Jesus? Do English and Indian claims challenge orthodox Christianity or inform it?

    Find out more about Pau...

  • Jesus in India Ep 4 - Lost Gospels

    What connects Christianity with Tantric Buddhism? The canonical accounts of Jesus' crucifixion, state that Jesus' body while on the cross was stabbed to check for a response and that no response was detected. What was noted is that blood flowed from the stab wound, along with clear fluid. What do...

  • Improbable Cause | Where Do We Come From?

    Is this how it all started? The mystery of human origins. Where did we come from? With many leading explanations being highly improbable.. Could this be the missing piece to the puzzle?

    Produced and written by Giovanni Lodigiani.
    Music Credits: - Pro Tracks Available ...

  • Jesus in India Ep 2 - Before Christianity

    What did Jesus do in his missing years? Did he spend time in India? Join Paul Wallis in episode 2 of the series, as he explores the history and mysteries surrounding Jesus and his life.

    Find out more about Paul and his work by visiting his personal website

  • Jesus in India Ep 1 - Hidden Mysteries

    What is the mystery hidden in an ancient site in the mountainous district of Srinagar Kashmir? How does its existence challenge the tenets of orthodox Christianity? Do ancient stories from out of Ladakh shine a light on the relevance of the gnostic Gospel of Thomas, a document so controversial it...

  • The Human Genome Project & Gilgamesh

    What was discovered in Iraq in 2003? Did Carl Sagan know about an ET message encoded in prime numbers? Does our DNA hold the key to the origins of the human race?

  • Was Jesus an Alien? Paul Wallis

    Was Jesus an Alien? ET's, Star Children & Giants | Paul Wallis
    If we live in a populated universe, where does Jesus fit? Was he an ET? Because of what I put forward in ESCAPING FROM EDEN and THE SCARS OF EDEN people sometimes ask about my spiritual beliefs. Where do questions of Bible translation...

  • God, Aliens & Mysticism | Paul Wallis

    Does acknowledging ETs leave room for God? Should be a simple yes/no answer, right? But the way Christian mysticism speaks sounds at times more like Quantum Physics and the Unified Field. So what's it all about?

    Find out more about Paul and his work by visiting his personal website https://paul...

  • The Book Of Enoch V1 | Alien Abductions

    *Please note: There is a final cut version of this video here: - this is part 1 of the first version. A newer version is now available.

    What made the Book of Enoch important enough to preserve but so controve...

  • The Book Of Enoch V1 Part 2: The Nephilim Giants

    *Please note: There is a final cut version of this video here: - this is part 2 of the first version. A newer full version is now available.

    What made the Book of Enoch important enough to preserve but so con...