Hello all.
I am new to this forum having come across Paul's videos on youtube.
I have always been fearful of death, especially since I was a child. I went to chapel from the ages of 4 up to 12. The teaching of hell has caused untold fear and misery. I left the teachings of the chapel and decided to try and forget what I had learned because it was causing me trauma.
I have led an honest and good life, always looking to impart joy or support to my fellow human, but a terminal health diagnosis last year has reignited my fear of dying. Not being a follower of Christ I have been told that I need to repent or that I will spend an eternity in hell. I am a good man, yet I will spend an eternity in hell for not following his teachings. I have been in panic mode ever since. I even read a book called 'a divine revelation of hell' by mary k baxter, and '23 minutes in hell' by bill wiese. Those books sent me into a state of hysteria. Im dying of a muscle wasting disease, and I had to spend 2 weeks in a psychiatric ward because of what I was reading. Both books corroborate each others' accounts and the scenes they describe are worse than any horror movie. In addition, I have read many near-death experience accounts which were negative and that just adds fuel to the fire.
Linda Moulton Howe (a renowned ufo researcher) explains how there's an e.t. component associated with death, and remote viewers such as the farsight institute have concluded that this planet is nothing more than a prison and that we are stuck in an everlasting loop of reincarnation via what they call the 'death traps'. I have read many of Robert Monroe's books. Monroe was an experienced out of body traveller who concluded that parasitic beings are energetically eating us.
I wish I could die peacefully but I fear that's not the case. I genuinely believe that we are being run by a malevolent race of beings that are either interdimensional or from some distant planet (or inner earth/the ocean). I also think that this has been going on for thousands of years.
Lastly, I would like to know if any healing modalities could help me. I know of someone who had the same medical condition as I and he managed to reverse his illness through the power of the mind.
thank you again and please forgive me for my poor vocabulary. My brain isnt functioning as it once was.
Much love to all of you